• Indrashan Devi was a housewife living is Muzaffarpur, Bihar with her husband, in laws and three children.
  • Her life was full of struggle as her husband was not employed and was busy in marginal farming, feeding such a large family became a pain point as the earnings of her husband from farming were not enough to provide for the basic needs of the family
  • She had no idea how to deal with this despite the odds, she was confident that she would be able to overcome the difficult situation. She was finding the ways to improve the financial condition of her family and suddenly she heard about Saija thorough one of her neighbor.
  • She already made up her mind and finally she took one of the biggest step of her life and borrowed Rs 15,000 from Saija and started a cosmetic business from home itself
  • At initial days she faced problem to manage her home and work but later on her husband also supported her. After seeing the success she took another quantum of loan of Rs 30,000, 50,000 and Rs 70,000 which she used to extend this business. One of her loan of Rs 80,000 is in running stage
  • As the demand of her products increased she decided to take a full-fledged shop on rent where they have employed two staffs. Now her husband started helping her on a Full Time basis and started an oil business which fetched them a profit of Rs 16 to 17 K per month.
  • She mentions that her logistics is coming from a wholesale market, Kolkata. Over all the they have a capital good of Rs 3.5 Lacs
  • She states that Saija has changed her life completely and feels satisfied that she is able to educate her children in a good school. Her living standards have transformed completely.
  • Today she is a proud mother and a wife. She gave her family a wings to fly high and she gives all thanks to Saija for making such positive contribution in her life