Mithun started his journey as a Field Executives in Dhanbad on 4th Feb ‘2016. Right from the beginning he made a point to Learn and Grow and this only attitude helped him to come so far
He has always been a consistent performer and for this he has received many accolades. He was awarded as Best FE for Oct 2016, Nov 2016 & Jan 2017
Promoted as ABM in Jan’20 and in Oct’20 as BM of Dhanbad and since then he never looked back. As a supervisor he has shown exemplary work in terms of discipline and professional conduct
In August 21 Aswini Lenka (State Head Jharkhand) nominated his branch as best in Collection Efficiency & High Quality Professional Conduct in delivering work
Success Mantra
He mentioned that “Such discipline is not a result of one day, in fact we as a team ensure that basic hygiene work has to be done and closed on a day to day basis”
For regular & OD collection his team makes consistent follow up with the clients ten days prior to the collection with proper date, amount and time
He believes that Punctuality, Proper Planning, Ownership of the Task & Proper Monitoring is the main mantra of success for the team, if the leader WALK THE TALK then half of the battle is won
Gratitude towards SAIJA
“He thanks Saija for being a great support and giving him an opportunity to work with such a good team player”