- Sukanti Devi even as a young lady had dreams and aspirations to live a decent and happy life with her husband and her two kids
- From the beginning of her life she wanted to support her husband in day to day household expenses though she was educated but she had inclination to do something of her own
- She then decided to learn stitching and in 2016 she took her first loan of Rs 20,000 from Saija which was utilized in purchasing Sewing Machine .Since then there has been no looking back
- After having successfully completed her first cycle loan, she subsequently took higher quantum loan of Rs 30,000 each in next two cycles which she utilized expanding the tailoring business and simultaneously she also started cosmetic business where she observed very high footfalls and in order to cope up the heavy demand she took a TOP UP loan of Rs25,000
- Even during COVID she used her brain and started her business from Home and this proved to be a boon for her
- After seeing the great demand of her products during COVID she then approached Saija for her next cycle of Loan and this time she took a Loan amount of Rs 60,000 in Oct’2020 which she used in expanding her cosmetic business
- She has employed one staff in her shop to help her in daily business activity. At present she is earning revenue between 12 to 15 K.
- She feels very proud that she could take the right decision for her family and through the great support from Saija could transform her life as well as that of her family
- She feels empowered and has gained respect and appreciation from her husband and his family member. She has two sons, one has started working after the completion of his Diploma in Electrical and the second one is pursuing his BBA.
- This business gives her good income, enough to support a decent living for her family and live a life of dignity.
- She is thankful to Saija for giving her a great platform to showcase her talent. She beams with confidence and is full of energy. She looks forward to a bright future for self and her family